The Deed is Proof of Title Ownership in Real Estate Documents
If you are seeking to transfer title to real estate, you should consider which title document to use. There are many types of deeds. Understanding them is not as simple as you may think. Looking for a Quit Claim Deed? We will probably steer you away from it and toward something better. Real estate documents can be technical, which is why a person involved in buying or selling real estate should contact a real estate lawyer.
Since a deed establishes ownership of a property, what is a Deed of Trust? A Deed of Trust is the lien document that secures the loan a borrower may have. You may want to consider a general warranty deed or a special warranty deed, depending on your circumstance to transfer title. If a deed contains significant errors, the transfer of the property may not be valid. It is best to have an attorney prepare the document.
For a deed to be valid, these conditions must be met:
- All parties in the transaction must be named.
- The intent of the transaction must be clearly stated.
- The property must be lawfully described.
- The deed must be signed by the grantor.
So much depends on having a proper deed at the heart of a transaction. Our Texas real estate law attorneys at The Weaver Law Firm are available to evaluate and recommend every type of deed as appropriate, including general warranty, special warranty, quitclaim and assumption deeds, as well as deeds without warranty.
Our lawyers want you to have the kind of deed that works best for you. We make every effort work to avoid contradiction or confusion between deed and title claims. We handle deed cases in which real property is gifted to another person.
When there is a question about the deed in a transaction, call The Weaver Law Firm in Houston at 713-572-4900 — or describe your situation in an online message.