Because Results Matter

The construction industry is fraught with costly legal traps. Let us guide you around the danger spots, and take your side when trouble arises.

Were You Hit By A Car While Biking Or Walking?

The Weaver Law Firm represents pedestrian and bicycle accident victims in Houston, San Antonio and the surrounding parts of Texas. Our attorneys are here to help if you or a loved one has been hit by a motor vehicle while walking, jogging, running or riding a bike.

Serious Accidents and Serious Injuries

The lack of protection afforded bicyclists and pedestrians means that there are often catastrophic injuries, such as brain and spine injuries, when they are struck by a car, truck or even by a motorcycle. These injuries can be life changing, so it is critical that victims get immediate medical attention and that our lawyers put forth every effort to get full compensation to cover the costs of that medical attention, not to mention other costs.

Representation in All Types of Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions

Bicycle accidents happen on the road in much the same way as other auto accidents happen. The driver of a motor vehicle fails to watch where he or she is going, pulling out in front of a bicyclist, turning in front of a bicyclist or taking some other action that causes a collision.

Pedestrian accidents are often the result of drivers failing to observe the rights of people traveling on foot. These accidents often occur in clearly marked crosswalks, meaning that the driver’s negligence is obvious. In other cases, the accident occurs when a driver pulls out of a driveway or parking lot, hitting someone who is walking past on the sidewalk.

Contact Us for a Consultation

There are no hourly rates in accident cases. We handle these cases on a contingency basis. You are only required to pay if we are successful in getting you compensation.

Call 713-572-4900 or send an e-mail to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.

Se habla español: Spanish-speaking services are available at our law office.