Corpus Christi Chief of Police Floyd Simpson was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident in Port Aransas, Texas. According to law enforcement, the accident occurred at about 5:30 PM on Texas State Highway 361. Simpson was heading south on the highway when a Ford truck, driven by a 16-year old, that was driving north swerved into the southbound lanes. Simpson attempted to avoid the truck and hit his head against the pavement. Though he was wearing a helmet, it flew off and he died from the impact. It is unknown as of yet why the driver of the truck swerved into the opposite lanes. We wonder if this was a case of distracted driving or if there was a vehicle malfunction.
Motorcycle accidents are not uncommon in Texas.
Reports coming out of Breckenridge state that Steven Paul Jackson of Whitewright was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident. According to law enforcement, the accident occurred at about 11 AM on SH-67, near Breckenridge. Police believe that Jackson’s motorcycle swerved off the road and hit a ditch. It is unknown what the cause of the accident was. We wonder if there was a vehicle malfunction or if Jackson was attempting to avoid an obstacle in the road.
Our thoughts and hearts go out to the victims’ families, who we imagine have been deeply saddened by these accidents. We encourage those who have encountered similar situations to contact a personal injury attorney, who may be able to help explain to them their rights and options, especially if the case may trigger a wrongful death claim.
– – Article by Richard D. Weaver, a Texas personal injury attorney.