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Houston child killed by possible drunk driver car accident.

On Behalf of | Jan 13, 2014 | Wrongful Death |

This past Saturday, a 12-year-old autistic boy was hit and killed by an alleged drunk driver. Now, we need to prevent future horrible acts like this. This accident comes at a time when Texas district attorneys are becoming more focused on prosecuting drunk driving incidents. Texas has strict intoxication laws but people still drink and drive. This type of accident may result in a wrongful death case.

The 12-year old boy was hit by an automobile while he was walking in the street, according to the Houston Police Department. Alvester Bowens’ family reported him missing around 5:30 p.m. this past Saturday.

About two hours after the family noticed the child was missing, the family reported him missing. The young male child was walking on S. Post Oak near Main Street on the overpass. Why would the child walk in the street? He was most likely walking in the street because there were no sidewalks. Gilberto Aguirre is the suspected drunk driver. The alleged drunk driver hit the boy when he was walking in the street. The child died at the scene. The suspected drunk driver was charged with the DWI. The Harris County District Attorney’s office is expected to work on the case.

One of the worst incidents in Texas is a case involving the loss of a child. When it is the result of a drunk driver, we can imagine that the family may be angry and in shock. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family.

If you have questions about wrongful death law, feel to contact a Houston, Texas lawyer at 713-572-4900.

  – Article By Richard Weaver


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