Are you concerned about medical expenses from a San Antonio workplace accident? As you think about the costs of an injury like a broken leg, paralysis, or head injury, it is important to consider all of the damages that you have already incurred and that you may incur in the future.
What are potential damages? Damages or costs may result from doctor’s visits or hospital stays. Additional expenses may include medical equipment like crutches or a wheelchair or medication.
Often times when someone is injured in a workplace accident, there is often lost income. If the injured worker is unable to work or unable to work the same job as before, then loss of income may likely be a factor.
Additional out-of-pocket costs, such as in home health care or transportation may be required.
The worst kind of damage may be the actual injuries suffered, the physical pain and emotional suffering. It may be a brain injury so severe that it results in a wrongful death case.
Other costs may also just depend on the specific injury. It is important to recognize and understand all of the damages sustained by an injured employee before settling a case. The injured employee needs to know all potential future damages before negotiating a settlement.
In order to determine the future costs, the attorney may need to enlist the services of experts. Doctors may also need to provide an expert report about injuries and potential medical care.
If you have questions about the laws related to work place injury claims, feel to contact a lawyer that practices law in San Antonio, Texas. You can reach a TX lawyer at 713-572-4900 or 713-572-4900.
– Article By Richard Weaver