It happened on August 16, 2013. I wonder how long the Houston Police Department will take to conclude this investigation. This potential wrongful death accident occurred at the 2800 Block of Westheimer. The man riding the motorcycle was taken to Ben Taub General Hospital. I know it is a well respected hospital for handling severe and traumatic injuries. Unfortunately, the hospital could not save the man. He was pronounced dead. Harris County authorities will later verify his identification.
I see very responsible motorcycle riders take on the roadways. However, sometimes I see them ride reckless. But sometimes the accident is the result of someone else and not the motorcycle rider. At times, and probably in this case, the result is a wrongful death case. In this case, the victim was riding a white Honda CBR motorcycle and was headed eastbound on Westheimer. During this ride, a valet driver in a black BMW pulled out of a private driveway, probably from a commercial business. After the BMW driver pulled out, we went eastbound onto the roadway. As the BMW driver made a right turn from the wrong lane, the bike rider was unable to stop. Instead, he hit the right side of the BMW.
I suspect that the BMW driver was at fault. He probably failed to avoid an accident and is probably negligent after turning from the wrong lane. The valet service company may also be responsible and should have insurance to cover the incident.
We hope the family of the man who died will find comfort.
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– Article By Richard Weaver