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Do you have information about a Houston pedestrian accident?

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2013 | Wrongful Death |

The Houston police department would like additional information regarding a fatal traffic accident. This may be a wrongful death case involving a pedestrian. The Houston police are investigating. The accident happened on August 25, 2013 in the 4600 block of the South Loop West which is also known as Sounth Interstate Highway 610 West. It occurred on the service road in the morning.

Houston police report that the female pedestrian has tried to cross the way service road. That was when the white Chrysler PT Cruiser crashed into her. The police report that the PT Cruiser was moving in the lane of traffic. The lady struck by the car died at the scene. We are sorry to hear about her death and our hearts go out to her family and friends.

While the driver of the car was questioned by the police, they did not file charges against her. Why not? Perhaps there is not enough information. People do not normally walk out in front of cars. What was the vehicle’s rate of speed at the time of the car accident? Did the driver fail to keep a proper look out or fail to avoid the accident? If you have information, the Houston police would like to know. There are a lot of factors that go in to accidents that involving vehicles and people walking. They typically are not as simple as a person walking in front of a car. We would like to know more.

If you or your family member has been injured in an accident, feel to call us. We would like to help. You can reach us at 713-572-4900.

  – Article By Richard Weaver


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