Yesterday, I blogged about a pedestrian accident that occurred on the service road of 610 in Houston, Texas. On the drive into work today, I was listening to talk radio and heard some startling statistics about pedestrian accidents. The information obtained was derived from TXDOT. This is a concern because now that children are going back to school, many are walking and riding bicycles.
More than 5,000 pedestrians were hit on Texas roads by automobiles in 2012. This resulted in 2,962 serious injuries and 481 deaths. 2,000 bicyclists were struck by vehicles. 1,450 serious injuries and 56 deaths results from the vehicle and bike crashes. 2011 has 13.2 less pedestrian fatalities and 19.1 less in bicyclist fatalities. The author has seen the after effects of these pedestrian and bike rider injuries. The injured have been clients, friends and neighbors.
What can drivers do to avoid these types of accidents? (1) pay attention to the road; (2) do not drive while using a cell phone; (3) keep a proper look out; and (4) follow the speed limits. Drivers should also give bicyclists plenty of room on the road. Watch out in school zones even when school zone lights are not flashing. Children may be nearby and may dart out into the road.
Also, keep in mind that bicyclists may have to quickly maneuver around the road in order to avoid obstacles and potholes. That is another reason to give them plenty of room.
Major accidents have happened when driver have broken traffic laws like runner read light or speeding. Following the laws of the road will help keep people safe.
I’ll be more than happy to provide additional information. If you have questions, legal or otherwise, feel to call 713-572-4900
– Article By Richard Weaver