Reports coming out of Edom, Texas state that Linda Fann was seriously injured in a car accident. The accident occurred off of FM 2339. Linda Fann was the passenger in the car, while Richard Dye was the driver. Dye supposedly ran off the road and hit a tree. Law enforcement believes that Dye was under the influence of alcohol and driving at a very high speed. After the accident, Dye left Fann on the side of the road and fled the scene. The accident is thought to have happened at about 12 AM.
Our thoughts and hearts go out to the victim and her family. We sincerely hope that she recovers quickly. We also hope that the perpetrator of this crime is found and arrested.
Incidents like these happen frequently in Texas.
Reports coming out of Houston state that Catherine Breeding, a sheriff’s deputy, was killed in a motorcycle incident. Law enforcement states that Earl Selmser III, a Montgomery County deputy constable was the driver of the motorcycle. The accident occurred at about 3 AM. Police believe that Selmser was under the influence of alcohol. Breeding was thrown off the motorcycle and died from the injuries she sustained in the incident.
Catherine Breeding was 21 years old, while Selmser was 26 years old. Both were off duty at the time of the accident.
Our thoughts and hearts go out the victim’s family and community, who we can imagine have been deeply affected by this tragedy. This incident is potentially a case for a wrongful death claim.
–Article by Richard D. Weaver, a Texas personal injury attorney.