Aaron Velasquez, who was 23, was involved in a fatal motorcycle accident in El Paso, Texas. Law enforcement believes that the accident occurred on Lee Trevino Drive near Burnham Road. Police believe that Velasquez lost control of the motorcycle and crashed into a pole after attempting to avoid hitting a vehicle. Reports state that the motorcycle was not his, but was borrowed from a friend. He may have been inexperienced with driving the motorcycle, which may have been a factor in the accident. Police also believe that Velasquez may have been driving over the speed limit, which was 50 miles per hour, which may have also contributed to the accident.
Our hearts and thoughts go out to the family and community of the victim. We imagine that they have been deeply affected by this tragedy.
As you can imagine, vehicle accidents are not uncommon in Texas.
Reports coming out of Forney state that a person was injured in a motorcycle accident that seems to not have had anything to do with striking any objects. Police state that the motorcycle was found on its side. The accident occurred at about 5:30 PM on FM 1641 near an I-20 overpass. The victim was taken to the hospital. What exactly caused the accident is not known as of yet. We sincerely hope that the victim has a speedy recovery. We wonder what may have caused the accident. Did the driver lose control of the motorcycle? Were they going at the appropriate speed limit?
— Article by Richard D. Weaver, a Texas personal injury attorney.