Five Texas A&M students went to the hospital after a head-on car accident collision. The car crash happened at around 8:30 p.m. this past Sunday. Akshay Jain and Ishan Bajaj were flown to Memorial Hermann Hospital in very critical condition. A good part of State Highway 105 East was shut down as the result of the injury resulting accident. Police authorities indicate that the A&M students were headed westbound on the state highway. A truck driven by a Cleveland, Texas resident had allegedly crossed the center lane and entered the opposite driving lane. After he entered to opposite lane, the accident occurred. We suspect that the families of those injured may have additional questions. We believe that the pickup driver crossed the highway near Goode City Road. We also believe that the A&M driver attempted to avoid the accident but the accident could not be avoided. A head-on collision occurred and many were injured. These injured individuals may have sustained injured that will last a long time. These injuries may interfere with their school attendance, education, and grades. In the opinion of this personal injury attorney, they should be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering.
The impact was at a high level of strength that paramedics had to cut two of the students out of the car. It took a total of 30 minutes to get everyone out of the severely damaged vehicle.
One injured person, Pranav, is a chemical engineering student at A&M’s Dwight Look College of Engineering and was returning from Louisiana after the Thanksgiving holiday.
– Article by Richard D. Weaver, a Houston personal injury lawyer.