A head-on collision occurred Thursday morning on UTSA Boulevard in San Antonio, Texas. The car accident left a 21-year-old female student in critical condition. We believe that she may have head injuries in addition to neck, back and other significant injuries. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. The other driver has been identified as a 27-year-old man. We believe that his injuries are serious as well.
Police say the man was driving a Honda Civic. Personal injury attorneys often utilize private investigators to uncover the cause of car accidents. We believe that the male driver was driving eastbound in the 5800 block of UTSA Boulevard just before 9 a.m. We also believe that he crossed into the westbound lanes, which caused him to crash into the other driver who was riding in a Toyota Echo. The police believe a wet road have may have played a factor in the crash. Drivers should drive below the normal speed when roads are wet.
The police believe that the woman was not to be wearing her seatbelt. But that may not be the case. The woman might have been wearing a seatbelt, but the seatbelt may have been defective and failed to stay connected. Investigators can probably tell if it was a defective seatbelt. Both drivers were taken to University Hospital. There were no passengers in either of the cars. Speed could have been a factor in this type of serious accident. We do not believe that alcohol played a factor. Texas personal injury attorneys often hire accident reconstruction experts and investigators to examine the cause of accidents and car feature safety defects.
– Article by Richard Weaver, a Texas personal injury lawyer.