Recently, in a houston metro bus accident, several individuals were injured in southeast Houston. A Houston Metro bus was involved in a crash on Almeda Genoa on Tuesday around 1 p.m. The multiple vehicle accident occurred near the Gulf way and was set off when a Metro bus rear-ended the first car. The first car then rear-ended the second car. The second car then hit a parked truck.
A four year old child travelling in the first car was injured and transported to a hospital. Two men that were travelling in the same car as the child along with several Metro bus passengers were also injured and transported to local hospitals.
Public transportation accidents are devastating in comparison to car or truck accidents due to the high number of injuries. Unlike most vehicles, buses do not have seat belts or other safety features. Other factors contributing to these accidents are the driver’s long work hours, lack of training, inattention, the bus could have been poorly maintained or lack updated equipment.
In this case, where public transportation was involved, is the driver liable? The driver of the bus is not the only person who can be held responsible for the accident. Under the legal doctrine of respondeat superior (Latin for “let the master answer”), if it can be proven that the bus driver was acting within the scope of his employment, then the employer, Metro Transit Authority, can be held responsible for the driver’s actions.
If you have been injured in a bus accident or in other public transportation incident or have questions regarding your rights and potential claim, call a Texas attorney at 713-572-4900.
– Article By Richard Weaver