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Carlos Senea killed in Channelview TX car accident

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2013 | Car Accidents |

Wilfredo Chavez Lopez was driving his car in Harris County, Texas. He was driving east in the 15200 block of Woodforest Blvd. However, his vehicle veered to the right. After his vehicle went right, it hit a curb. After it hit the curb, the car hit a tree.

The car accident occurred just before 7:00 a.m. Local authorities report that Mr. Lopez was not restrained. Instead, because of the crash, he was thrown from the vehicle. An ambulance took him to a hospital for treatment. It is likely that Mr. Lopez has neck and back injuries. Because of the type on impact, he may have head injuries as well.

This accident resulted in a passenger injury and death. His name was Carlos Senea. He was also not wearing a seatbelt. He was declared dead at the scene of the car crash.

Police authorities believe that the car was speeding which was one of the reasons for the accident. This is an accident worth investigating. Many things can result in a car accident. Sometimes it is speeding, cell phone use, alcohol, prescription drugs or fatigue. What was the reason for this accident? It seems like police authorities are blaming the driver of the vehicle.

It is uncertain what type of injuries Mr. Senea had, but we suspect that he had severe head injuries. Is this a wrongful death case? Was the driver of the vehicle at fault?

If you have questions about wrong death law feel to contact a Houston, Texas lawyer. You can reach one at 713-572-4900.

  – Article By Richard Weaver


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