On Friday, two longshoremen were injured on the job at the Port of Houston. The injuries occurred while the two men were working on a ship that was docked at the turning basin. Witnesses claim the men slipped and fell into the hatch of the ship. Both longshoremen were taken to local hospitals with unspecified injuries.
Though the extent of their injuries is believed to have been non-life threatening, the men involved in this accident could have suffered serious bodily injuries that may include a head, brain or spine injury.
Traumatic brain injury can result from slip and fall accident, yet can go undetected if not properly treated. Like these men, perhaps you have been injured while boarding a cruise ship or while working in a slippery area. If you have been injured due to the negligence of others, you may have a claim for your injuries and damages.
Oftentimes, injured individuals take a laissez faire approach thinking that their injuries will spontaneously resolve on their own or even go as far as attributing the symptoms of their injuries to stress or exhaustion. If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, listen to your body, do not delay medical treatment, and do not be afraid to seek legal help.
If you have questions or have been injured in a slip and fall accident, there are legal remedies available to you, feel to contact a knowledgeable Texas lawyer can help you find the justice you seek. You can reach a Houston lawyer for a consultation at 713-572-4900.
– Article By Richard Weaver