On June 23 at approximately noon, an SUV traveling eastbound on 610 Feeder Road collided with a minivan traveling southbound on Crestmont Street. The SUV burst into flames as a result of the collision. Eleven people, including at least one child, were transported to the hospital following the car accident. None of them suffered life-threatening injuries.
Police believe that one of the drivers had run a red light, which may have caused the collision. Investigators have received conflicting reports of the incident and were not immediately able to determine which driver was at fault.
– Article By Richard Weaver
Laws related to the right of way and other traffic regulations are designed to ensure the safety of the people on the road. When a person fails to observe these laws, there is a concept in the law that allows a judge to presume that the person was not behaving carefully. This is called ‘negligence per se.” When a person pays a ticket for running a red light or is found guilty following a trial, that person is not allowed to later dispute allegations of careless driving. The law presumes that a person who runs a red light is not driving carefully, as the law is designed to prevent these types of accidents.
When a careless driver causes an accident that results in injury to innocent parties, the injured may be entitled to compensation. A personal injury attorney may be able to help seek compensation for property damage, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. When child victims are involved, an attorney may be able to have a parent or guardian appointed to bring suit on behalf of the child. A parent may also be able to recover for damages to the parent/child relationship.
Source: Click to Houston, “Police: Several hurt in fiery car crash in Houston”, Camille Williams, June 23, 2013